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높은 경제성

물, 에너지, 세제 소비량을 절감 하고 싶으시다면 HOBART가 정답입니다.. HOBART는 지속적인 기술 혁신을 통해 높은 효율성과 운영비용 절감을 약속드립니다.

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에코 프로그램

고효율 + 저소비

적은 물 소비량과 짧은 세척 시간은 운영비용과 시간 절감에 필수 요소입니다. 스마트한 HOBART PREMAX 모델들은 스팀을 활용하여 아래와 같은 혜택을 누릴수 있습니다. 

  • 단 1리터의 헹굼수 사용 
  • 세제 및 린스제 사용량 최대 60 % 절감

높은 세척 온도를 통해 프로그램 시간 단축 

  • 언더카운터 FP 모델은 80초로, 후드 PREMAX 세척기는 단 55초 만으로 완벽한 세척결과를 보장합니다. 

SENSO-ACTIVE resource management

The responsible water consumption

Rinsing intelligence of the special kind: The water quality is monitored continuously, resulting in a continuous automatic adjustment of the water consumption. A low level of soil consumes little water; for a higher level of soil, the machine uses more water.


Merely the innovative use of resources reduces the operating costs by 20 %, compared with conventional machines.

  • Reliable wash results with a high level of soil
  • The dishwasher corrects operating mistakes
  • Complete pump out and refill is not necessary anymore

ACTIVE drying

throw your kitchen towel into the bin

PREMAX GCP is the first commercial glasswasher in the world with integrated drying. Hot and dry air removes the moisture from the glasses and channels it out of the wash chamber. Manual drying is thus something of the past.

NOTE: Only available for PREMAX model GCP.


두배 처리량

TLW 세척기는 2개의 세척 챔버를 통해 일반 후드 세척기 보다 2배 더 많은 세척량을 처리할 수 있습니다. 

Space saving wash organisation

For heavily soiled wash ware, theTLW has a special utensil wash programme. Due to the extended washing time, the pre-soaking effect is already integrated into the washing process, so that the wash ware no longer need to be pre-soaked. This
saves valuable space in the kitchen organisation.

Intelligent energy management

To reduce the total connected load of hood-type dishwashers, commercial machines reduce the heating power in the hot water tank. However, it takes twice as much time to heat up.


Thanks to the intelligent energy management of HOBART hood-type dishwashers, the maximum boiler capacity is always available for filling. This reduces the filling time.

To provide energy for wash pump and tank heater, the booster loading can be reduced to the necessary medium during the washing operation.

Thanks to the intelligent use of the available energy, short heating times at a reduced total connected load of the machine are ensured.


Higher capacity and flexibility

Increase your capacity with our lateral guide rails for GN plates and butchery boxes. Compared with conventional models, you wash significantly more in each cleaning process.


  • The PREMAX UP triples the capacity from 2 to 6 GN plates.
  • The PREMAX UPT doubles the capacity from 4 to 8 GN plates.

2IN1 double rack system

for double capacity

Twice the washing volume - half the costs: Since two racks can be washed simultaneously, the double rack system significantly increases the capacity of your undercounter dishwasher. The top rack can be placed on an extendable rack carrier.

THIS MEANS FOR YOU: Thanks to the optimum use of the dishwasher capacity, it is possible to reduce the consumption of water, energy and chemicals by 50 % compared to conventional usage.


  • The top rack accommodates plates with a maximum diameter of 250 mm
  • The bottom rack has room for cups, glasses and small bowls of a max. height of 110 mm

Exhaust energy storage

the clever way of saving energy

Energy saving - easy and convenient: The standard exhaust energy storage significantly reduces the energy consumption of a hood-type dishwasher. Due to the completely closed hood, the hot waste steam remains in the system and is not dissipated to the room. The stored thermal energy can thus be reused.

YOUR RESULT: You can thus save up to 3,120 kWh per year. At the same time, the room climate in the scullery is improved noticeably.

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배기열 회수

옵션사항인 배기열 회수 시스템은 60 °C의 열기를 재활용 하여 급수되는 물을 가열하는데 재사용 됩니다.

높은 효율성: 습기와 에너지는 열교환기를 거쳐 식기세척기로 재공급되며 외부로 빠져 나가지 않습니다.

  • 최대 연간 5,000 kWh 절감 가능
  • 쾌적한 작업장 온도 / 습도 유지

Drain heat recovery

Clever use of the waste water: The energy of the 60 °C hot waste water is used to heat fresh water.

THIS IS HOW IT WORKS: The optional drain heat recovery leads the hot waste water along the fresh water that is flowing in. This heats the fresh water up to 45 °C when it enters the boiler where it is heated up to the necessary rinse temperature.


  • Saves up to 6,350 kWh per year
  • Pays off in the 2nd year already
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열기 및 소음 차단 후드

15mm 단열 후드를 통해 열기와 소음을 최소화 할 수 있습니다. 세척기 안에 남아있는 열기는 재활용 되어 에너지 절감을 보장 합니다. 

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